Miken's rolling ice cream is the best ever. Seriously. This is a delicious incredible frozen dessert, composed of cream, milk, sugar and almost all the flavors - be infinite possibilities. After flashing on a special metal pot, the mixture is rolled into a beautiful spiral and stacked vertically in the cup. Additional casting heads are optional, but we think it is strongly recommended. Caramel sauce, broken cookies or fresh fruit, does anyone?

1.2 Where Does The Rolled Ice Cream Machine Come From ?
The rolled ice cream is native to Southeast Asia and Thailand has often got the reputation of sensational sweet treatment (that's what we discovered!). It is also very common in other countries, including Malaysia and the Philippines that can be found on a global scale.
1.3 How To Make Ice cream With Rolling Machine ?
Most people know traditional ice cream. These ice creams are made in advance and stored in the refrigerator on the spoon directly turned from the bathtub. Of course, if we are honest, it's delicious - but a little boring. The rollers of ice cream are more exciting than it - they order them without clashes in front of the beautiful eyes.
In order to make rollers of ice cream, use a super cold silk pot - when you say super cold, we mean -30 ° (really, really, very cold). Pour ice cream in these, and any other ingredients you like it can be a breath of strawberry and protein protein, chocolate and cookies. Then cut the mixture into a slice and cut it with a metal cloth to melt the flavor and melt the air and introduce a clearer texture. Finally, the mixture of the package of the flavor was poured into the rectangle and divided into strips.
1.4 Is The Fired Rolling Ice Cream Different From Traditional ?